Alexa Jean Brown

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Did you know I grew up going to a Christian school? My first time at a public school wasn't until 9th grade. I've believed in God for as long as I can remember. For a long time I thought that as long as I believed in Jesus and I was going to heaven there wasn't much more on that topic that I could achieve and do. Because I went to a Christian school where all the other kids believed exactly what I believed, I didn't know how to talk to people in the real world about God. But I thought if I'm just "planting the seed", that's good enough. 2 years ago I finally realized the deeper value of myself and my individuality. God made my outgoing introverted personality for a unique purpose. Just like He made you for a unique purpose. I've been through some life experiences that made me a little jaded until I realized that I could use those experiences to help others. I challenge you to dive into your past experiences and your personality quirks that make you, you - find some understanding on what makes you different and how God wants you to use that to change the world. You were put on this planet to make a difference! I refuse to get lost in the busy-ness of life when there are thousands of lost and broken people desperate to find fulfillment and meaning out of their life. Make today awesome!