Alexa Jean Brown

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3 Signs You're Meant To Do Bigger Things

1. You Can't Work For Anyone Else

This was my first inkling that I thought I would do something bigger than just run the hamster wheel. At first, I thought it was just because my parents were self-employed while I was growing up and I just had this learned sense of entitlement. When your parents dropped everything last minute for family vacations, clearly that seems like a good route to take. I've worked many jobs, and they were just that, jobs. I wasn't happy. I wasn't passionate, I didn't feel alive when I went to work too hard to fulfill someone else's dream. I wanted to pursue my dreams. You find yourself craving freedom, flexibility, and growth that you just know you can't satisfy working for someone else.

2. You're A Procrastinator

Do you find it hard to do something unless you feel inspired or passionate about the task you're doing? You have deep desire for something bigger, something more meaningful and impactful. If fear is stopping you from taking action, evaluate that fear. Write out the worst case-scenarios and decide if they're really that bad. Take the risk, if you win you'll be happy, if you fail, you'll be wise, then try again. 

3. You're A Dreamer

You've always got new ideas for awesome projects, sometimes so many that it's overwhelming and almost impossible to focus on just one. This is the biggest indicator that you're meant to do big things, whether or not you take action and actually do big things is up to you. Make an effort every day to work towards your goals. 


Find Your Purpose

I believe that every single one of us is here on this earth to do more than work to buy material things and achieve things for our own fulfillment. What's the point if that's all we're here for? You were created to contribute and make a significant difference. Let that sink in for a second. You were created to contribute and make a significant difference. Is enjoying beautiful material things wrong - definitely not. Is only enjoying material things and doing only to satisfy ourselves - to me, yes! 

We ALL have a unique purpose based on our strengths, our weaknesses, our past, our pain, everything about your life and what makes it unique is designed to be used for something greater than ourselves. I sincerely hope that you'll go into discovery mode to learn what makes you unique and how your uniqueness and life experiences, good and bad, can be used to pour into someone else. 

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” ~ William Shakespeare