Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

No Equipment Arm Workout

Budgets are tight for many people these days and gym memberships are one of the first things to go when money is tight. I personally love no equipment workouts once in a while because frankly, sometimes, I. Don't. Want. To. Be. At. The. Gym. =] hahah especially when it's crowded. Are you ready to give this arm workout a whirl? =]

30 Second Side Slimmer

Start on left side, left forearm on floor, right arm extended to ceiling, left foot pressing into bottom of wall. Lift hips off floor into side plank and raise right leg as high as you can until it is barely touching wall (as shown). Hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.

25 Chair Dips

Sit on edge of a chair, hands on edge of seat, fingers forward, legs extended, feet flexed. Use arms to lift yourself off chair. Bend elbows, lowering body until upper arms are almost parallel to floor, hips directly under shoulders.. Push through hands to rise back up for 1 rep.

8 Full Circle Push Ups

Start in a push-up position on knees or toes with hands set wide. In one fluid, circular motion, shift weight to right arm, lower yourself toward floor, then shift weight across body to left arm and push yourself back up to start. Do four reps, then switch directions, lowering on left side first, for four more reps.

30 Second Alternating Foot Grabs

Start in tabletop: faceup, hands under shoulders, fingers forward, hips lifted with knees bent. Bend elbows to lower body toward floor, then straighten arms and grab left foot with right hand). Return to tabletop. Repeat on opposite side. 

 12 Triangle Push Ups

Start in a plank. Walk hands together so thumbs and forefingers form a triangle. Do a complete push-up for 1 rep. If this is too challenging, lower your knees. Do 12 reps.

Under Arm Flab Killer

Stand facing wall about a foot away, arms extended and hands on wall, left knee raised to hip level. Keep elbows in line with shoulders and lean forward until forearms rest on wall as you extend left leg back. Reverse for 1 rep. Do 10 reps. Switch legs; repeat.

8 Moves to a Perfect Butt

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