Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.


Lex: Jeans HERE | Top HERE 

Lex: Jeans HERE | Top HERE 

This guy is literally life. I don't know if I've ever shared, but there was a time when Troy was the last person on the planet that I wanted to ever see or talk to. We met in high school, I was 14, he was 16, and we were SO. IN. LOVE. You know, that first love kinda thing. Wild and crazy and...crazy. We were young, he was a butt-head and we parted ways. This was in 2007, the last time we saw each other. Then Troy joined the U.S. Marines and moved to Carlsbad, CA. A few years later, in 2012, I ran into his best friend at a restaurant and he happened to be face timing with Troy. I rolled my eyes and tried to avoid the conversation, but Rj, Troy's best friend, was good.  Rj and Troy had a conversation about who their "Great White Buffalo" was (aka the one that got away). Troy said that I was his Great White Buffalo. Rj, being the great friend that he is, asked if he could give Troy my number. I can't remember what I said exactly, I know it was a hard 'No', but somehow he managed to convince me to give Troy my number. And every timeTroy was in town, he would ask if he could take me to dinner. After a few weeks, I finally agreed to lunch. We went to this horrible sushi place in Scottsdale on my lunch break and I was super cold towards him. In my defense, it was super awkward sitting across from someone I hadn't seen in 5 years. But Troy is Troy and he is so charming and this 5 years did him well. He had matured into a kind and gentle man. Somehow he swooped me off my feet and next thing I know, we were a thing. 

Looking back at our history together and seeing where our life is now, I'm so happy and so thankful it was Troy. We both went through some heart wrenching things in those 5 years we spent apart but they all had to happen for us to end up where we are now. We still say to each other from time to time, "Can you believe that we're married.... AND we have two kids!? It's so crazy!"

I hope that if you're still searching for your guy that you focus on what's important and don't settle because it's easier. Know that there is someone for you, that will love you and treat you the way you should be treated. Someone who will pursue you until you are old and wrinkly. Believe that is out there for you and while you're waiting, become who the person you're looking for, is looking for. 

I love, love.